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A method of recognizing and thanking your customers can mean the difference between success and failure for most businesses. For those that do it properly, it can actually create customer loyalty and boost sales, says marketing expert and speaker on customer loyalty, Adella Pasos.

“For businesses, this is not a one time event! It’s a lifestyle — one that requires ongoing hard work. Customers need to be recognized for the value they add to your product or service both as a customer and in other ways,” Adella explains.

In her experience, there are three major reasons why companies don’t recognize their customers and why those customers leave. First being, no time to recognize even customers with the smallest purchases — even if it’s just saying thanks or sending a simple e-postcard with a small note. Second, giving out too many rewards points to consumers who never return to use them. Third, not having incentive programs in place to reward your best and most loyal customers.

With the economy being what it is, many businesses are facing increasing pressure to price their goods accordingly. Many smaller businesses are finding it difficult to compete on a level playing ground with larger companies on pricing alone. In order to attract new customers and keep current ones coming back, businesses need to understand that customer loyalty is of the utmost importance…especially during these difficult times for retailers.

One of the quickest ways for a small business to gain and retain customer loyalty is through providing exceptional customer service. Many business owners wrongly assume that they are delivering excellent customer service by simply walking the customer to the door with a smile on their face and returning that same smile with a big smile the next time they walk in the door.

In the video, Adella Pasos explains how customer appreciation days are the perfect time to recognize your customers and let them know just how much you appreciate them. Adella looks forward to sharing more business strategies that help companies succeed. The full video called, “5 Ways to Show Your Customers You Care” can be found on her YouTube channel, Business Strategy TV.

Adella Pasos is an entrepreneur and marketing expert who makes a difference. She has grown brands from scratch, worked with startups and small businesses, and Fortune 500 corporations too. She has revealed to her clients the ability to access their niche market via online, social media, mobile, merchandising, and events.

Another of her popular shows is the “What’s Your Game Plan TV” show, which features free expert advice, growth strategies, free tips and trends, and tools to make a business succeed. She can be found on IMDB, Instagram, YouTube and her official website.

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